tungsten round sheet pure tungsten disc sheet with polished surface

How thick is a tungsten sheet?

The thickness of tungsten sheet can vary greatly depending on its intended use and the manufacturer’s specifications. Tungsten sheet can be manufactured in a variety of thicknesses, typically ranging from a fraction of a millimeter to several centimeters. Common thicknesses may include:

- Thin flakes: 0.1 mm to 1 mm
- Medium and thick plates: 1 mm to 5 mm
- Thick plates: 5 mm to 25 mm or more

For specific applications, such as radiation shielding, aerospace, or industrial uses, the thickness will be selected based on the desired characteristics and performance.

What is the manufacturing process of tungsten?

Tungsten and molybdenum products are manufactured by powder metallurgy process that raw material powders are pressed and sintered, and hot working process that we plastically process them at hot temperature. Various manufacturing technologies are being developed in each process.

tungsten round sheet pure tungsten disc sheet with polished surface Related Video: